Critical Incident Response with PagerDuty

Transform your security incident response by routing critical alerts through PagerDuty. Halo Security's PagerDuty integration ensures high-priority security findings trigger immediate response through your established on-call rotations and escalation policies. Configure custom alert rules to ensure critical security events reach the right responders at the right time.

Key Benefits

  • Immediate Incident Response: Route critical security findings directly to your on-call teams
  • Intelligent Alert Routing: Leverage PagerDuty's scheduling and escalation policies for security events
  • Priority-Based Escalation: Configure different alerting rules based on security finding severity
  • Streamlined Operations: Manage security incidents alongside other operational alerts

Use Cases

  • Alert on-call teams to critical vulnerabilities
  • Escalate high-severity security findings
  • Route different security events to specific response teams
  • Coordinate incident response across security and operations

Quick Setup Process

  1. Create a Halo Security service in PagerDuty
  2. Configure the integration using your PagerDuty API key
  3. Set up alert profiles for different event types
  4. Create event rules to trigger PagerDuty incidents

Frequently Asked Questions

How are incidents created in PagerDuty?

Security findings that match your event rules automatically create incidents in PagerDuty, triggering your configured escalation policies and notifying the appropriate on-call teams.

Can I route different alerts to different teams?

Yes, you can create multiple profiles to route different types of security events to specific PagerDuty services and teams based on severity, type, or other criteria.

What types of events can trigger PagerDuty incidents?

Any security finding can trigger a PagerDuty incident, including critical vulnerabilities, configuration issues, and changes to your attack surface. You control exactly which events create incidents.

Can I customize incident priority levels?

Yes, you can map Halo Security finding severity levels to PagerDuty incident priorities, ensuring proper escalation based on the criticality of the security event.

Part of our complete attack surface management solution.

Enhance your security incident response with automated PagerDuty alerting. Sign up for a free trial to see how Halo Security can streamline your security operations. Start routing critical security findings to your on-call teams in minutes.

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